Wildlife and
Wildlife Management
Greg Yarrow, Professor of Wildlife Ecology, Extension Wildlife Specialist
The term wildlife means different things to different people. To a
backyard wildlife enthusiast, it may mean chickadees, nuthatches,
and cardinals. To a hunter, it may mean white-tailed deer, bobwhite
quail, and gray squirrels. To a sheep producer, it may mean coyotes. To a
poultry producer, it may mean mink, weasels, skunks, and raccoons. To a
gardener, it may mean hummingbirds and butterflies.
What is Wildlife?
It is important to identify and define what we mean by the term
“wildlife” before we can answer the question, “What is wildlife
management and conservation?” Early definitions of wildlife focused
on wild animals (undomesticated free-ranging animals) that could
be hunted for sport or food (a partial list of SC wildlife is listed in
Table 1); therefore, the early definitions restricted the term wildlife to
vertebrates (animals with a backbone). From that time forward, the
message has been clear: there is a separation of those organisms termed
wildlife, not only from other vertebrates, but most certainly from other
groups of lower animals and plants.
If you were to ask a professional biologist to define wildlife, he or she
would probably identify two distinct vertebrate groups: birds and
mammals. Even state and federal organizations, in their names, make a
distinction between fish and wildlife: the South Carolina Department of
Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Much has happened in the field of wildlife management since early times,
and this is reflected in new definitions of wildlife based on a more holistic
viewpoint. The beginnings of this new viewpoint of wildlife began in the
1960s. Wording in the Endangered Species Act of 1973 recognized fish
and wildlife as any member of the animal kingdom, including without
limitation any mammal, bird, fish, amphibian, reptile, mollusk, crustacean,
arthropod, or other invertebrates (animals without a backbone).
About the same time, many states began adopting nongame wildlife
programs. These programs were aimed at managing protected,
endangered or threatened, and nonhunted wildlife with respect to the
definition of fish and wildlife provided in the Endangered Species Act.
From a purely objective standpoint, wildlife should include all animals
and their associated habitats. If we are to look at the big picture, it
seems unnecessary to define the term wildlife along the usually rigid
and nonfunctional lines of a taxonomist (a person who identifies and
classifies living organisms).
How can we understand the ecology of a great blue heron without
a thorough knowledge of the heron’s food source (small minnows,
amphibians, etc.)? Likewise, a picture of coyote ecology would be
incomplete without an understanding of how that animal’s diet shifts
from small mammals and carrion in the winter to insects and fruits
during the summer. Further, the relationship of an animal to its habitat
(including competitors, predators, prey items, vegetation, and soil) is
so interconnected as to add confusion in attempts to restrict the term
A definition of wildlife should include all living organisms out of the
direct control of man, including undomesticated or cultivated plants and
Although it may be inappropriate to restrict wildlife to a few kinds of
organisms, common usage, public perceptions, funding allocations,
and history have resulted in a practical definition of wildlife as
undomesticated free-ranging vertebrates. Furthermore, because
of professional distinctions, fish are generally excluded from the
definition of wildlife. The definition of wildlife is left as essentially
undomesticated, free-ranging terrestrial vertebrates (reptiles,
amphibians, birds, and mammals).
The overwhelming preponderance of research and management efforts,
as well as public attention, has caused the definition of wildlife to focus
on birds and mammals.
There is yet another dilemma for resource managers in defining wildlife
today: introduced, non-native wildlife or exotics, such as the European
starling, house sparrow, wild boar, and fallow deer. Hundreds of plants,
fish, and terrestrial animals have been introduced into this country,
some by accident and others on purpose. To the wildlife biologist,
exotics may have severe consequences for native wildlife (starlings and
house sparrows competing for native eastern bluebird nesting sites).
Professional biologists will debate the pros and cons of exotic
introductions for years to come. Regardless of an individual’s views on
the subject, certain exotics will continue to be a permanent addition
to our natural communities. Professional biologists must continue to
evaluate the ecological role of exotics in biological communities. Hence,
if exotics are free-ranging, little is gained from excluding them from a
definition of wildlife.
Fact Sheet 36 Forestry and Natural Resources Revised May 20092
What is Wildlife Management?
Now on to the question, “What is wildlife management?” The
definitions of wildlife management are about as numerous as authors
and professional biologists. There are some differences, to be sure,
but three common ideas are present in every definition of wildlife
management, including:
1) efforts directed toward wild animal populations,
2) relationship of habitat to those wild animal populations, and
3) manipulations of habitats or populations that are done to meet
some specified human goal.
Early wildlife biologists viewed wildlife management as the art of
making land produce adequate game for recreational use (hunting,
fishing, or trapping). Later definitions emphasized wildlife management
as the science of manipulating wild animal populations and their
habitats for specific human goals. Current definitions stress wildlife
management as applied animal ecology that benefits the habitat and
both wildlife and human populations.
Wildlife management can be a complex process (Figure 1) whereby a
landowner or biologist:
• conducts habitatand wildlifepopulation inventoriesandevaluations;
• determines whatpeopledesirefrom the wildliferesourceanddirects
management eforts to meet this goal.
The eventual outcome in meeting desired management goals is
accomplished by:
1) manipulating the habitat,
2) manipulating the wildlife population, or
3) managing people.
Wildlife management on private lands is largely habitat management
for two reasons:
• mostprivatelandownersdo not control thekindofacreage(average
farm size in South Carolina is less than 100 acres) necessary to totally
sustain some wildlife populations, and
• although small in individualacreages,privatelandowners makeup
most of the land in the state.
Preservation, Conservation, and
Management: What is the Difference?
Let’s now examine the differences between management, conservation,
and preservation, because many people mistakenly confuse wildlife
management with wildlife preservation.
Conservation is an effort to maintain and use natural resources wisely
in an attempt to ensure that those resources will be available for future
generations. Wise use of resources could vary from actively managing
white-tailed deer populations by hunting to protecting and preserving
spotted owl populations and habitat.
Preservation is a component or part of conservation in which natural
systems are left alone without human disturbance or manipulation.
Preservationists (people who believe in preservation) feel natural
resources should be protected, unspoiled, and untouched by humans.
The goal of preservation is often maintaining the integrity of the
ecosystem as exemplified by nature preserves or wilderness areas.
Passive management strategy is sometimes used in wildlife
management when wildlife populations dwindle to the point they are in
danger of extinction. The passive management strategy for red-cockaded
woodpeckers (an endangered species) in South Carolina is to alter
traditional timber management to ensure breeding and foraging habitat.
It is important to note, however, that an undisturbed ecosystem is
not necessarily a stable one. Natural changes in the plant community
constantly create different habitats for different species of wildlife. As
the system changes over time, conditions may not remain suitable for
the continued existence of some wildlife species in that community.
As a regenerated forest is allowed to mature, for instance, the presence
and abundance of bobwhite quail will decline because the habitat is no
longer suitable for them.
Management is also a component of conservation that usually means
controlling, directing, or manipulating wildlife populations and/or their
habitats (active management strategy). Wildlife managers usually seek to:
1) increase a population (by providing key habitat components such as
food, shelter and water);
2) decrease a population (by harvesting deer when they are damaging
orchard trees or soybean crops); or
3) stabilize a population so that individuals can be removed on a
continuing basis, making sure that enough individuals remain in the
population to replace those that are removed (sustained yield).
Figure 1. The process of wildlife management3
There are two different approaches to managing wildlife on private
lands. The first approach is to provide as varied a habitat as possible
in an attempt to support as many different wildlife populations as
possible. This is called the species richness approach to managing
wildlife. Under this system, landowners would try to manage their
property to provide a mixture of areas in different plant stages, areas
with large amounts of edge (area where 2 habitats meet) interspersed
with some unbroken tracts of forest, and forested areas with vertical
layering of trees, shrubs, and broadleaf weeds.
The second approach to managing wildlife is called the featured
species approach. The goal of this approach is to provide habitat
for one selected (featured) species. A landowner might choose to
manage for white-tailed deer or bobwhite quail exclusively. The key to
featured species wildlife management is to identify the precise habitat
requirements of the featured species and select management practices
that provide the requirements that are in the shortest supply.
Why Manage for Wildlife?
Landowners can obtain both tangible and intangible benefits from
managing wildlife. Tangible benefits primarily accrue from leasing
rights for hunting and other forms of outdoor recreation involving
wildlife. Fees collected from these activities can provide income to pay
property taxes and other management costs. The provision of various
services (e.g. guides, dogs, lodging, meals, etc.) associated with hunting
can also provide another source of income. Although public demand for
wildlife-related outdoor recreation (e.g., hiking, camping, birdwatching,
canoeing, etc.) has not yet reached the point of providing significant
income for private landowners in South Carolina, the potential exists
and will increase in the future.
Intangible benefits from wildlife management can include the
excitement derived from observing wildlife, the satisfaction of providing
desirable habitat for these species and the pride from receiving
recognition for conservation efforts.
Options for Wildlife Management
Any discussion of wildlife resources must begin by recognizing the
potential for managing for a variety of wildlife species. These include
game and nongame species, threatened and endangered species, and
even nuisance species. Managing the wildlife resource as the primary
objective requires, in some instances, that other resources be managed
differently. For example, timber harvests would be designed primarily
to improve wildlife habitat, with maximum wood production being a
secondary benefit. In this case management strategies could include or
accomplish the following:
• create,enhanceor improvesufficient habitat tosupport suitable
populations of desired wildlife species;
• maintain healthygamepopulations in a manner consistent with
habitat carrying capacity;
• providediverseandabundantpopulationsofdesired nongame
wildlife species, particularly those that are dependent on mature
timber; and
• manage habitatandpopulations toprotect floraandfaunalistedas
threatened or endangered.
The key is that all resource management decisions are based on creating
and maintainingsufficient habitat.
Where wildlife management is a secondary objective to other resources,
the compatibility of various management options becomes important.
Wildlife species whose habitat requirements are compatible with
practices designed to enhance the landowner’s primary management
objective will thrive. All plans should include ways to accomplish the
• enhance, maintain or create habitat fordesiredspecies in a manner
that is consistent with the primary objective for the land;
• achieveand maintain a naturaldiversityandabundanceofgame
and nongame wildlife species including those dependent on mature
timber (special consideration and/or protection should be afforded
resident threatened and endangered species);
Table 1. Partial Listing of Wildlife in the South
Upland Game Animals
Wild Turkey Ruffed Grouse Bobwhite Quail
Mourning Dove American Woodcock Common Snipe
Cottontail Rabbit Swamp Rabbit Marsh Rabbit
Woodchuck Eastern Gray Squirrel Fox Squirrel
Snow Goose Greater White-fronted Goose Canada Goose
Mallard Black Duck Gadwall
American Widgeon Green-winged Teal Blue-winged Teal
Northern Pintail Northern Shoveler Canvasback
Wood Duck Redhead Ring-necked Duck
Lesser Scaup Common Goldeneye Bufflehead
Hooded Merganser Common Merganser American Coot
Furbearing Mammals
Coyote Red Fox Gray Fox
Raccoon Bobcat Beaver
Spotted Skunk Striped Skunk Opossum
Mink Muskrat Nutria (I)
Big Game Mammals
White-tailed Deer Wild Hog (I)
(I) indicates the species was introduced into this country.
(e)indicates the species is endangered.4
• manageother resources in ways thatprovide habitat needsofdesired
wildlife species, considering the species and the entire property.
Regardless of the landowner’s goals, providing suitable wildlife habitat
should be considered when performing any management activity.